Analog Portfolio
Werkbuch 2, since 2020
Thomas Wiuf Schwartz
I like to pack parcels. A precisely fitting, flat cardboard box, wrapping paper, tape and parcel twine to tie everything securely. The printed address, spray mount and a stamp on the top right. — Be quick and hurry up to the post office!
Whenever possible, I send my portfolio in the form of a little booklet. Well, actually not just sometimes, but always. Letterpress, paper and a proper book binding makes my heart beat faster right away. In the meantime, this is the second, updated edition — until now.
Analog Portfolio
Werkbuch 2, since 2020
Thomas Wiuf Schwartz
I like to pack parcels. A precisely fitting, flat cardboard box, wrapping paper, tape and parcel twine to tie everything securely. The printed address, spray mount and a stamp on the top right. — Be quick and hurry up to the post office!
Whenever possible, I send my portfolio in the form of a little booklet. Well, actually not just sometimes, but always. Letterpress, paper and a proper book binding makes my heart beat faster right away. In the meantime, this is the second, updated edition — until now.